Welcome back for Zoeglossia’s Poem of the Week series curated this month by Raymond Antrobus.

April 5, 2021


This poem isn't interested in my exhaustion

By Matthew Siegel

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This poem isn't interested in my exhaustion

By Matthew Siegel


only how it can open itself,
carve a valley through my fear.

I want to name each feeling
and let each name go.

There is a place in me 
where I have never been sick.

Bravery, let me speak of pain
I thought was done with me

yet still ripples outward
and outward. I had walked away

thinking the stone had reached
the bottom of memory.

Today I will not be brave.
Today I will sit still,

try to consider what it is that is
in me still. I will try to see the sky

as more than sky, more than skin,
more than this exhaustion.

Bearded man in a grey sweatshirt sitting next to a dog. There is a rocky landscape behind him.

Bearded man in a grey sweatshirt sitting next to a dog. There is a rocky landscape behind him.

Matthew Siegel is the author of Blood Work. His poems and essays have appeared in the Academy of American Poets Poem-a-DayThe GuardianPBS NewsHourSan Francisco Chronicle, and elsewhere. He is Professor of Humanities and Sciences at San Francisco Conservatory of Music and lives in Oakland, California.