Aug. 20, 2023


Coming out Disabled

By Charlie Petch

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Coming out Disabled

By Charlie Petch

At an open mic in Brooklyn for invisible

and visible disabled people I came out

I felt so small to do this

like it wasn’t my space like I wasn’t enough

like look you can walk how dare you

like you’ll still never belong

but they cheered my dear reader they cheered

they cheered like I completed a marathon on one foot

a spelling bee against an evil wizard to free the town

like capitalism lay at my feet gasping after the fatal blow

even writing about it I am crying

because I know when I am feeling small

aphasic and so disabled my asking for help

sounds too desperate and frustrated and

tripping over gibberish and all I can do 

is understand why they won’t


there was once a room 

filled with all the strongest 

funniest and best people

who saw me so raw  

and let me know

I finally belonged 

Charlie Petch

Charlie Petch (they/he) is a disabled & transmasculine multidisciplinary artist from Toronto Canada. Their poetry collection/Audible book, Why I Was Late (Brick Books), won the 2022 ReLit Award, and was named "Best of 2021" by The Walrus. Petch received a Lifetime Achievement Award for Spoken Word from the League of Canadian Poets. Their new solo show “No one’s special at the hot dog cart” is coming out March 2024 with Theatre Passe Muraille.

Image description - Charlie Petch is in a white t-shirt against an off white background. They have their chin in their hands and are looking into the camera. Their chest and shoulders are in frame.

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