May 9, 2022


Case III

By Justin Greene

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Case III

By Justin Greene

G.D....presented at the age of 15 to Professor Charcot’s clinic in February 1884 & was prescribed electrotherapy.

An image of Justin Greene's "Case III"

Case III

By Justin Greene

G.D....presented at the age of 15 to Professor Charcot’s clinic in February 1884 & was prescribed electrotherapy.

the boy was

almost a man

a wall

a terrible fright making

unusual frequent

movements flexions

extensions grimaces

a range of contortions under a tonic regime of two

showers daily &

medical gymnastics for

his use of

the word shit

his shit

movements resisting every means of


hydrotherapy gymnastics potassium bromide sedatives electrotherapy discipline


to be


& less

& less


by his




This poem is erased from the case study of the same numbers in Gilles de la Tourette’s 1885 article “Study of a nervous affliction characterized by motor incoordination with echolalia and coprolalia (Jumping, Latah, Myriachit)”.

Justin Greene is standing in front of a podium with his arms outstretched.

Justin Greene

Justin Greene (he/him) is a writer living in Berkeley, California, where he is pursuing a Ph.D. in anthropology at UC Berkeley. His writing has appeared in Hayden's Ferry Review, The Southeast Review, and elsewhere. He is the editor-in-chief of Ki and recently served as a small press editor at Entropy, where he organized the Where to Submit list. He tweets @justinigreene.

Image Description: In the bright, white-walled room of an art gallery, Justin is giving a reading in front of a podium, standing with his arms outstretched and with a slight smile on his face. He has on black glasses and has black hair and a beard. He is wearing a black leather jacket with a leopard print collar. The jacket crisscrossed with silver zippers, one of which has a vertebra hanging from it. He wears grey skinny jeans and black dress shoes.

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