Welcome back for Zoeglossia’s Poem of the Week Series, curated this month by Kenny Fries, award-winning author of In the Province of the Gods.

To the Non-Disabled White Grrrl with the Frida Kahlo Altar in the Living Room

By Naomi Ortiz

Grrrl, if you’re going to gush to me about Frida,

you better be prepared with an intimate knowledge of nightmares

Those many things in life beyond your control and know them well enough to call their name


You better have experience of body meeting surgical knife

with a man who thinks he knows just how to fix you, holding the hilt

and what surgery after surgery, failing his expectations, feels like


Grrrl, you better know how to make peace with the boredom of pain


Grrrl, if you’re gonna create an altar to Frida in your living room

Then you need to be prepared to speak truth to your darkest vulnerabilities

To talk about what it means to never belong

Living in your own world because your parents smashed into each other, never knowing how to exist in the same place


Grrrl, I see it in your face,

how you want me to respond, all girl – crush – on – artist

But our love of Frida lives differently

You try to take on her diversity

You say you know her bravery

You aspire to be more like her


Me, I see a kindred soul

I want to honor her legacy

by fiercely loving hard

by translating culture through body

by courageously inhabiting passion


Grrrl, Frida was her own woman

Living her own truth

Enduring her own pain

You can’t inhabit someone else, and expect to find your own way

Light-skinned Mestiza with short dark hair looks intently to the side. An earring with a concentric circle design swings below the hairline. The backdrop is a mountain, cacti and desert tress.

Light-skinned Mestiza with short dark hair looks intently to the side. An earring with a concentric circle design swings below the hairline. The backdrop is a mountain, cacti and desert tress.

Naomi Ortiz is a writer, poet, visual artist, and facilitator and the author of Sustaining Spirit: Self-Care for Social Justice (Reclamation Press). Ortiz currently is focusing on her creative projects exploring disability justice, intersectionality, and connection to place, as well as speaking to individuals and groups delving into the substance of self-care. Ortiz is a 2019 Zoeglossia Poetry Fellow whose poems have been published in We Are Not Your Metaphor: A Disability poetry anthology, on websites such as Split This Rock, Poems and Numbers, VIDA and performed at events such as the Disability Pride Parade in Chicago. Ortiz is a Disabled, Mestiza living in the U.S./Mexico borderlands.

Learn more at her website and follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

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